Základní informace
- DALI (rozhraní) – Wikipedie
- Co je DALI? | Lxf.cz
- Digital Addressable Lighting Interface - Wikipedia
- What is Dali ? An introduction to Dali Guide
- DALI vs DALI-2 - Digital Illumination Interface Alliance
- What is the Difference between DALI Device Type 8 and Type 6 ? - MOONS'
- DALI emergency - Digital Illumination Interface Alliance (Device Type 1, DT1)
Hledání a řešení problémů
- DALI Troubleshooting with DALI check list
- troubleshooting - Strange behavior of the DALI controlled luminaires - Electrical Engineering Stack Exchange
- UART with DALI Protocol Technical Brief
- DALI serial protocol decoding - PicoScope from A to Z
- ProbitSite DALI Mulitmeter (eng.) - YouTube (představení diagnostického nástroje)